I am a Senior PHP Developer in the Ecommerce field with a main focus on: On-Site SEO, Contineous Integration and process optimization.
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How I can support you:
Meine größte Stärke ist es Lösungen für Probleme zu finden. Leider kann ich nicht alle Probleme dieser Welt lösen, aber wenn du Hilfe brauchst bei: On-Site Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Contineous Integration Projekten, der Anbindung neuer Marketingkanäle, Performance-Problemen oder einem Mangel an Personal für ein dringendes Projekt, dann melde dich einfach bei mir und wir schauen, ob wir eine Lösung finden! Aber auch bei Alltagsproblemen, oder Dingen, die dich schon seit längerem plagen, kann ich gerne behilflich sein. Probier' es aus und sag mir, wo der Schuh drückt!
Contineous Integration
At all my stations in my working life, I partizipated in creating a Contineous Integration environment, at most stations it was my chief responsibility to realize the project. So if you plan to setup an infrastructure for automated tests and deployment of changes on your website, shop or applikation, it would be a pleasure for me to support you with that.
Since I work in the ecommerce field for 8 out of my 9 years of experience in IT, I have a very broad experience and deep knowledge in this area. If it's a new shop, custom implementation of payment providers, an AI for fraud prevention, connection several marketing channels, setting up A/B testing, these are all projects I realized successfully in the past.
On-Site SEO
The phrase On-Site SEO sums up all technical actions to improve the ranking in search engines. Among them are for example the internal hyperlink structure, semantic correct HTML code and the loading performance of the website too. If you feel like you don't embrace the full potential of your website or shop yet, contact me and we will see how I can help you with that.
In the case you want to discuss a certain project or you have some questions, or you just want to say "Hello", just write me an email, call me(+49 176 3466 1599) or use the contact form at the bottom of the page.
In my position as Head of IT I coordinated the external partners and service providers, renewed the whole IT infrastructure in the company and realized many On-Site SEO projects beside the tasks of my former role as a developer.
Bobshop is Europes biggest retailer for cycling clothing. I continued the development of new features for the online shop and maintained and optimized it. I developed several pieces of Middleware between ERP and online shop. Many internal processes were optimized by me and I carried out a bigger update of the shop software.
At Gameforge AG I was developing, maintaining and optimizing the internal payment plattform with more than 80 payment providers worldwide. The job was really very diversified. For example I redesigned parts of the frontend, I implemented custom payment methods, I made the codebase testable and deployable on Jenkins and also the internal frau prevention tool was improved and maintained by me.
April 2014 - April 2015
After successfully finishing my university degree I started my own business and developed a content management system based on Wordpress for medical doctors and an appointment app for medical consultation. Unfortunately I didn't realize back then, that effective sales techniques are more important than clever technical stuff. So I had to face it that I failed with that attempt.
At Feil, Feil & Feil I did my first steps in the IT sector and was able to use my privately aqquired knowledge in the field for the first time. Since I was one of the first employees, I had a hughe responsibility from the start on for the customer projects which I realized. But also the whole technical infrastructure was planned, realized and maintained by me back then.